170 Members
in 4 Countries
Volunteer Positions
Roles and Responsibilities
S.C.R.I.B.E. is an all-volunteer organization. It has no paid employees.
Roles are filled and responsibilities are fulfilled by members who volunteer their time and talent
for the betterment of the organization and its members.
The following roles and responsibilities, partly based upon Robert's Rules of Order, are defined in S.C.R.I.B.E.
and were officially adopted by the membership on September 23, 2002.
It is the duty of the President:
- To support the Aims and Objective of the Organization,
- To preside at the official yearly meeting,
- To arrange for someone to provide refreshments and prizes for the meeting,
- To book the hall for the following year,
- To appoint Regional Vice Presidents and Special Committees as required.
It is the duty of the Vice President:
- To preside at the official yearly meeting in the absence of the President,
- To serve as Membership / Publicity Committee Chairperson,
- To work closely with the President on any projects or programs.
It is the duty of the Secretary:
- To take the Minutes of the Annual Meeting,
- To provide the Minutes for publication in the next newsletter.
- To read and answer correspondence or forward it to appropriate Officer or Committee Chairperson,
- To keep important documents belonging to the organization.
It is the duty of the Treasurer:
- To receive and bank all moneys received by the organization,
- To keep bookkeeping records of such funds,
- To pay authorized bills and expenses,
- To prepare a yearly financial statement,
- To prepare a budget for the following year,
- To prepare and mail governmental filings related to the financial status of the organization, if required,
- To maintain an up-to-date membership list and mail out Membership Cards,
- To notify those who need to know of changes to the list.
It is the duty of the Editor:
- To prepare and mail out the quarterly newsletter of the organization,
- To submit bills and receipts promptly to the treasurer for payment,
- To maintain a current data base of members for the newsletter mailing list,
- It is expected and understood that all Executive Members and Regional Vice Presidents will assist
the Membership / Publicity Committee in promoting and publicizing the organization.
- Discussions between the Executive Members and Regional Vice Presidents may be carried out via
email, regular mail or telephone. Examples: bulk mailing, delinquent members, bylaw changes, etc.
- Important decisions or announcements will be printed in the newsletter in a timely manner.
This committee, composed of as many members as deemed necessary, shall:
- Investigate and carry out incentive programs to attract new members and keep old
members current,
- Use approved ways, means and methods to publicize and promote the organization.
(This may be accomplished through Announcements in Regional Federation Newsletters; Encouraging the use of the S.C.R.I.B.E.
logo on all member newsletters; Distributing promotional material such as book marks, note pads, stationery,
and business cards.)
- Ensure information and application forms are available at all regional / national
shows and editors meetings.
- Work closely with the S.C.R.I.B.E. Webmaster to publicize and promote the organization.
It is the duty of the Historian:
- To gather, collect, and preserve historical documents, pictures, pamphlets,
posters, etc. pertaining to the history and activities of the organization.
This Committee, composed of as many members as deemed necessary shall:
- Encourage new editors to have their newsletters evaluated,
- Each year, obtain copies of the various federation score sheets
- Recruit committee members and readers from the Regional Federation
Newsletter Editors and Bulletin Aides Chairmen or try to utilize the talents of some of the senior
members and retired editors.
It is the duty of the Membership Roster Chairperson:
- To maintain a data base of member names and addresses,
- To update the data base periodically from information received from Treasurer,
- Every second year, to prepare a Membership Roster of current, paid up, members,
- Get the master sheets to whomever has been assigned to print and mail out the roster
(probably the Newsletter Editor).
This committee, composed of as many members as deemed necessary, shall:
- Follow the guidelines as outlined in Article VI and Article VII
of the current By-Laws regarding Nominations and Election of Officers.